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By Dizzy Daniels
Saturday, March 27, at Holliers, Shanklin Old Village come and join us and GO BACK TO THE 80S!!
This will be an all out 80s mania night to raise money for cerebral palsy sufferer, Gracie-May Fuller, who needs to raise £40,000 for an operation in America.It will be 80s fancy dress and there will be a prize for the best dressed. There will also be a little raffle, bar dash and a dance-off competition, so make sure you come along and help this very worthy cause!!
Thank you to everyone who has supported the cause so far!!
There will be a charge of £3 to get in and every penny made goes towards Gracie's fund.
Please click here to read about this event or leave a comment on Facebook.
By Mark McIntyreMy name is Mark McIntyre and the crazy act I will be performing is running around the IOW in one day... well, ideally in under a day but as long as it takes to get around the Island.I will be starting at the Seashells Café by the Inshore Rescue Centre at Appley Beach on the 3rd April 2010 at 09:15. As part of a BootCamp IW class I will begin the 64 miles heading initially to Seaview, then Sandown, Shanklin, and the Military Road, after this the run will take me ultimately to the Needles then up to Cowes, across the Floating Bridge to East Cowes then it's the home straight.As you can imagine, running, walking, jogging and in the latter parts crawling this distance will be incredibly exhausting, to aid in this I will be supported by Nikki in the support vehicle and James who will run parts of the route with me.
With this I am hoping for clients or anyone really to run part of the course with me for about a mile or so, this stops me from going running crazy or just talking to myself too much.I am now down to 4 weeks until the run starts, I know I will complete it but if the local media can find a way to get onboard and help push this, that in turn will increase my motivation to not only finish, but finish in the fastest time ever.So why do something like this? Why not just grow a beard for charity or walk on hot coals or something? Firslty I want to raise some money, expend blood sweat and maybe a few tears for a very good cause, it's good for the soul to do so.Secondly this proves to my clients that anything is possible, we should all look at barriers in life not as obstacles but as a unique opportunity, after all if it weren't for barriers then everything would be blandly achievable to anyone, to attempt to overcome a barrier can teach us more than the reward at the end.Thirdly, as I live on the IW - why not? It's an incredible place and one to be in awe of. Having moved here in September 2009 I haven't had the time to discover much of it, so this gives me the tourist type opportunity, lots of photos, a jog, more pictures etc. It's great fun..All I ask you is this - when you see me in BootCamp why not stop me and sponsor me?Visit the website and sponsor me or check out the FaceBook page.Thanks for reading
A big thank you to all those who responded to our appeal to look out for missing missing pensioner Frederick Simpson (see below). According to the County Press and Ventnor Blog, Mr Simpson has been found and is safe and well.